Monday, October 12, 2009


Who Will Comfort Me - Melody Gardot

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It appears that along with the change in weather I have regressed back significantly. At first I thought it was just a couple days that would pass and I would recover as long as I continue to keep myself plugging away slowly and measured but I'm admitting today that it has now been two and a half weeks that both my mood and my energy has been significantly affected by an unknown. This new peak in fatigue has no known cause as my routine has not changed at all.

I'm forcing myself to continue my routine, however, the time that I used to use as relaxing time has been turned into sleeping time. Everyday I try and wake up thinking today will be the new day where I will have recovered but it feels like each day is harder then the other. I'm worried, scared and feel as though no one around me understands or believes that it's affecting me as badly as it is. I've stopped mingling and reaching out to friends again because of my poor mood and energy. This is the worst I've been sense my last treatment back in March.

I see my Infectious Disease Doctor as well as a Sleep Study doctor next week. I hope that someone can tell me why I'm slipping so badly all of a sudden and that someone can give me a next step on what to do with this new progress. Hanging on my threads until then...


  1. Hi there....

    I was also a runner and have been battling severe neurological lyme. I was wondering if you could give me the name of the neurologist who treated you in Tucson? I would be most grateful...

  2. Ambor

    Dont let it get to you ( easy for me to say...hard to do) keep fighting the good could be just the typical up and down of this disease...take a look what Chronic Triathlete posted recently..pretty similar to you as he is on a bit of a down feel right now. It will get better ( I know I keep saying that) stay tough!!


  3. Dear Anonymous, everyone's neurological symptoms are different and yet ironically the same. Not to bash the Neurologists out there but I've found that most don't "hear what your saying" and one has to keep trying new doctors until they find one who actually hears you and is on your side.

    My email address is Feel free to email me directly for the information.

  4. Hey You!

    I'm SOOOO sorry you're going downhill again, but unfortunately that's pretty common with this ridiculous illness! Have you been on ongoing lyme treatment when you were getting better? If you went off everything, maybe it caught up with you and wasn't agreeing with you. I know most have to do maintenance treatment to keep from getting worse. I hope it turns around soon for ya! You're strong and will get through this! HUGS!


Ever Changing Daily Goals

  • Run a 5K!!!!

Lyme borreliosis

Lyme borreliosis
Structure Of Bacteria That Causes Lyme Disease Detailed In 3D
