Friday, April 10, 2009

April Treatment Update

After two weeks from hell and a lot of family visits (one after the other) followed by a week of full sleep and recover mode, things are starting to calm down. It was great to see everyone that came to visit. They all pitched in and helped in a lot of different ways. It's always amazing how much family can pull together in a time of need. I have to admit that even though no one fully understands my situation, it's nice to know that I am not alone and in the worse case scenario I have the support I need.

I want everyone to know (I kinda feel like screaming it off a mountain!) that I am starting to feel AMAZING. I am really starting to believe that some people and some things are meant to be in your life or happen. Due to my very bad allergic reaction I was moved to IV Doxcy. (see treatment on right side for more information)I am turning a major corner in the last two weeks. I feel light on my feet, in my head and I am smiling. My friends have all started to point out to me that they haven't seen me like this in a long time. :)

My specialist told me that I am the 5th patient that has gotten better on the Doxy Vs. the mandated Rocephin. He also believes after my allergic reaction (even after having taken Rocephin orally for three months prior to the IV again) that I may not be absorbing my drugs when I take them orally. I suppose that is something to keep in mind for the future.

I am still in high spirits and on my treatment plan for the next couple of weeks. I'm planning on taking this week off from Lyme research after last week of diving into it. I feel so good that I would like to stay thinking positive and research tends to bring my mood down.

I'm still walking everyday. I'm up to 3miles but haven't felt like running again. I am walking in my running shoes just in case I run into a day where i feel like it. Layla, my dog is getting a lot of GREAT exercise and training with all my walking. She's starting to really get up there with perfection. She is such a smart dog I'm very pleased with her. Off leash running is a larger possibility with my our focus on squirrel therapy! She's really been a good reason to walk everyday.

To my family who keeps an eye on this blog, please let me have a week off!!! I'll give you a call/email after my week off. :)


  1. YAY!!!! I'm so happy that you're feeling good! I hope it continues for a bit. That's also great that you've been walking every day. Last week I tried to get some exercise in by swimming, walking and going to the gym, but it kinda of kicked my butt afterwards. You Go Girl!

  2. that is the greatest news I have read in along time...keep it up and we are still rooting for you

    Jim H


Ever Changing Daily Goals

  • Run a 5K!!!!

Lyme borreliosis

Lyme borreliosis
Structure Of Bacteria That Causes Lyme Disease Detailed In 3D
